Monday, December 14, 2009

Circle of Life

Ok so we saw (almost) the cow's departure to the after world. But we also saw (almost) how things entered the world. We got another early morning call to head down to the farm. A baby calf was born a few hours before. The mom's teets were engorged (all you mom's know that's no fun!) and the baby needed a little help learning to breastfeed. See, it's not just humans!

So Elmer (and another farm hand) got out the lasso to bring in the mom, while the baby waits to take her first steps!

See that little baby calf. Just walking for probably the second time. Sooooo sweet. But you could tell she was so scared.

There's the babe again. Elmer sends out the lasso and catches the momma. I have to say that I was impressed with my husband's lasso skills. While I've seen him lasso the kids while playing, to actually catch the animal in a needed time... was cool. (Thankfully we weren't talking about a buckin' bull here!)

The kids rest in the shade with Abuelo because even though it's only 8am, it's already like 130degrees.
(Or maybe really just about 90 so far)


And here they go getting the momma ready for the babe so that they can be happy together. Then after a day or two, she became another one of the milk cows for the family. That is, in addition to feeding her little calf, she get's milked (by hand) every morning, for the family's daily supply, or for making cheese.

And yes it continues as little 5 year old Hery practices his own lasso skills on another calf that's just a few months old. I guess when you start that young, it's like riding a bike.

The circle of life continues...

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