Monday, March 29, 2010

Yes, the Killer Whale show is back on.

The first question we get asked...

And I have to say, it's a pretty cool show.

I wasn't expecting it to be as good as it was. But I guess that is why we paid the big bucks to get into Sea World.
But it wasn't the only thing that made a splash with the kids.
Interestingly enough, many parts of Sea World is much like a petting zoo for underwater creatures.
The Sting Rays were among the favorites for the kids. But you could buy food for Sting Rays, Dolphins, Sea Lions. And feed these amazing creatures. I was pretty disgusted at the farm petting zoo in Virginia that we had been to a couple times. Even though the kids loved it, I stopped bringing them to it, as I didn't like the way the animals appeared to be. 
Sea World does a much better job at not letting you recognize that it's a petting zoo, rather you are getting a "hands on experience with the sea creatures."

As much as I realize it is what it is. It was also an educational experience for us. 
And the shows were really amazing.
The Sea Lion and Otter show, was silly cute.
And of course the kids loved the pet show.

Fun rides and good times. 
Azalea found that she and a peacock had become one. This deeper insight into other living creatures gave insight through her third eye. At least for the day.
It seemed that both the girls were channeling other spirits this day.

And the take home message there was approved by at least one of the kids!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Holland Time

Kites by the sea
The Kite Runner strikes again.
Seats in the sand.
Colin and Micah
Karen and Noah
Guy Time.
 More guy time.
So you steal my camera an think I won't use the pictures, eh?
Because I will.
But really, I just like the cousin love the most. Very sweet.

Even if it doesn't happen very often, it is great that it happens.

Every 7 Year Old Boy's Dream

And apparently his sisters' also.

Lego Land was amazing. Total awe of the creations that were there. I was really not prepared for the scope of the things created.

Elmer wasn't quite sure what he was getting into. 
"You mean we are where?"
I didn't know we were coming to the Taj Mahal? (Yes, made out of Legos)
Sue and Azalea were trying to blend in with the Lego tourists.
Lola realized she could have fun at LegoLand!
Lots of Fun!
Sue and Lola became ride buddies!
Azalea pranced around town.
Tigo and Mario became one on paper.
Even the Mariachis played. Again, all Legos.
New York City. Really?
Azalea didn't feel it was necessary to wait around for the Princess meet and greet. After all, she was the Princess.
The Old man and the camel showed us the way.
And then the wolves chased us away.

Monday, March 22, 2010

And then there is San Diego...

We had a Vacation!
While we have done a lot of traveling here and there, and moving across the country, and seeing new things, all in the past year, last week we actually took our first week long Vacation (with a capital V) that we have had in a VERY long time. (I'm not counting El Salvador as a vacation, I had the flu, and it was a family visit.) I'm not going to let that much time go again. Vacations are fun! I had heard that was the point of going on a vacation, but now I know!

We left Albuquerque and drove the first leg of our trip to a hotel outside of metro Phoenix. The stretch between Flagstaff and Phoenix is gorgeous. Except when you have three hungry, cranky kids in the back seat. But we finally did stop, got dinner and made camp. In the morning we did it all over again, and questioned ourselves more than once about what we got ourselves into "driving" again. While there is not a lot of "note" between Phoenix and San Diego, there are still some pretty crazy things going on out there. The desert is weird and wonderful.
But, just as much as traveling to El Salvador was a trip to another world, so is taking a road trip with 3 kids to Southern California!

The White Sand Dunes were super cool. But I guess we'll have to go check out New Mexico's version of them in the next month. And the boulder covered mountains are super crazy. But we had San Diego and the Pacific ocean on our mind, so we had to Go Go Go!

Driving straight to Sue and Donald's house. And while we were imposing our family of five onto their home, they oddly accepted us with wide open arms, great hugs and amazing generosity! They are just that sort of family!  Though when we actually got to their house, they weren't there, so we snuck in, snuck out and headed to the beach.

We didn't know how to get to the beach or even which one to go to, so I just picked one and we left.
La Jolla Beach, we here we come!
Such a great place. Apparently very high end, so I didn't step into a single store. We took one look at the ocean, headed to the tide pools to play, and immediately forgot that we had spent the last 2 days locked up in the car.

How does the ocean do that? Immediately frees your soul, lets your body breathe and your mind forget what it doesn't need to remember. I think I like that. And after about 5 minutes Elmer says "I think I could live here"

The tide pools were super cool. 
Sea Anemone,
hermit crabs, 
 live clams, 
 tiny squid... 
and lots of Sea Lions!
We were Tidepool Researchers for the afternoon,
and Geologists.
Can't you smell the salt water in the air?