Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Visitors from Another World

My Dad and Valeri came for the holidays!

I often find it hard to believe that he and I carry the same genetic code. But when I see two of my three kids with the ability to continue talking with out taking a breath, I remember some things just skip a generation.

Though sadly they are gone now, but not without a great week of fun and adventure.

Fortunately the first day they arrived it was a gorgeous New Mexico day. So we promptly took them for a walk over to the fields by our house. The Sandhill Cranes were doing their thing. And we enjoyed it.

I don't think there is a tree that either Tigo or Lola would think twice about getting into.
They are climbers, for sure. Not just trees too.
This was over at their elementary school garden. The kids had fun showing Grandstan and Valeri where they get to walk to with their classes during the week.

Even the dogs were having a great time sniffing around.

At a failed attempt to see the River of Lights, we ended up in Old Town. Which was fun, since I actually haven't really been there. Not a shopper, so I don't get there much. But it's so pretty I'll have to go out, just not bring my wallet!

We did eventually make it to the River of Lights down at the Botanical Gardens. I hate to say it, but it's much better than the one at the National Zoo in DC. Sorry Smithsonian, but Albuquerque gets you on this one. (again.)

But a lot of the time we didn't leave the house. I had big plans for us to do all sorts of "New Mexico" style adventures for us to do. But a combination of the cold weather, the Christmas season and three kids who just want to hang out, we ended up doing a lot of "hanging out."

Valeri and Lola spent a lot of time designing and doing craft projects. Santa brought Lola the beads for making many projects, but I'm not sure which of these two girls enjoyed it more.

There was also a good deal of pancake making. If you notice many of these pictures, everyone is still in their PJs. I'm not saying what time a day it is. Vacation baby.
Christmas morning came, with the kids in their new Christmas pajamas, they found all their over stuff stockings and a silly amount of presents under the tree. (so much for scaling back...)

The aftermath...

The skilled Mario Kart Wii Driver

I think we ended up having about 5 breakfasts a day...
Tigo and Elmer work on one of many, many, many lego projects...

When the kids woke up the morning Grandstan and Valeri left, there was definitely an empty space. Everyone had a great time. Can't wait until it happens again!!

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