Thursday, September 24, 2009

The spread

Here are some pics of our very colorful home. Both in spirits and in paint. As of right now, all the colors were here when we moved in. We chose not to paint first. As first of all, we were way to anxious to move into our own home again. And also as we will like do a little kitchen and master bed/bath remodel and that is where the paint is needed the most! Enjoy!

Below is a pic of the front of the house. Hard to see it, but you get the general idea. Needs some nice desert landscaping out from and it will be a gem. Has some hanging peppers over the front porch.

Below is the Living Room which is pretty much the room you come into when you walk through the front door. It looks out over the front yard.

This is our Master bedroom. Its an awful shade of turquoise, with a torquoise rug and a little turquoise bath. And a very purple accent wall.

Here's where the real fun is! Purple, purple purple cabinets. This is the color purple you would use when explaining to a preschooler for the first time, what purple is. With primary red backsplash and the vibrant orange trim at the top. There was a huge white table with the matching white formica counters, but we downsized a little and put our own table in the middle. We have a nice little dining room also, but I'm not sure where that pic went. The kitchen looks out over the sun room to the right.
This is the sunroom that Azalea is standing in. It is also the "playroom". The window to the left is the office. You can sit at the computer and look out onto the kids and then into the back yard through the wall of windows to the right. The door to the right is the kitchen, the door straight ahead is the "family room" but it's really Elmer's room.

This is Elmer's room. For watching golf and sports. Yes wood paneling. Oddly it actually doesn't look to bad in reality. Or maybe I don't think so because I've been looking at all the crazy paint colors. We are need of new couches. Badly.

Here's the girls room. Lola's on top, Azalea's on bottom. Can't see so good, but it's green and pink. Actually very cute. Lola wants to paint it purple. But I'm afraid we've reached our purple quota for this house for now... And the pic of Tigo's room is missing, but it's super cute also, and lots of room for legos!!

Here is our awesome backyard. The part closest to the house is grassy and covered for most of the day by cottonwood trees. There is a small wall the divides the yard in half. Behind it, there is a playset that was left by the previous owners, and the basketball court, that we have put a trampoline on half of, and a former chicken coop and lots and lots of room for gardening after we revitalize the well. Also fruit trees. Yummy!! From the back there is a nice view of the mountains, but you can really only see it when you are playing basketball.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


This guy is Zepp. He's the bigger of the two. Weighed about 15-16 lbs last week when we got him. He chews a little more, so I think he might be just a little older. But still around 11 weeks. So soft and sweet. He follows me everywhere. But when he's tired he hides under the couch so the kids can't get him. Like now.

This little guy with Lola is Coyo. (As in rhyming with Yo-yo and but short for Coyote) We thought he looked like a little coyote pup and he ate a lizard with in moments of arriving in our backyard. He weighed about 5-6lbs upon his arrival and is probably about 10 weeks now. The kids sometimes favor him, mostly because he is easier to pick up. They are trying to train him to be a lap dog. Oh brother....

And different litters. So they are adopted brothers. Both mutts.